Monday, 7 February 2011

5th draft

In this draft I have written the full responses to the interview questions, again the tone is informal and of a conversation style. The conversation style of the interview makes easy reading because it is easy to follow and it also makes it more personal and the reader  will find it much easier to understand and relate to. I have tried to make the answers as realistic as possible, I reinforced this by showing the rough answers to the questions that I had already made when planning to a friend and then asked them to answer the question using the answer but delivering it in their own way, when they responded I noted their answer and I added in some extra parts and then from this I had my answer to the questions. I feel that the questions and answers work well and make an interesting read. 
In my next draft I will need to work on the font colour or size to make the differentiation between the question and answer easier.

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