Saturday, 29 January 2011

3rd draft

I have now at this stage composed the interview questions and placed them on the page leaving space for the answers. By doing this I can now see a greater structure to the page and can see how the finished piece will look in my mind. I have also written an opening paragraph about Route-A and an introduction to the interview. The tone of the writing is informal, this is done because it makes easy reading which is what is necessary for such a magazine and its audience. The informality makes it more enjoyable and allows the reader to step out of the serious way of life and instead they can just enjoy an easy read about a topic they are interested in. Before creating my questions I researched interviews in magazines, particularly music related ones. I found this research allowed me to understand the tone in which the interviews are written in, this made it a lot easier to produce the questions. When researching interviews I found that the questions are fairly generic and about nothing particularly interesting and they are designed mainly for the person in question to show off their personality and to publicise themselves, when creating my questions I considered this and tried to incorporate this idea.
In some cases even though I have not yet written answers some questions follow up answers that do not exist, I have been able to do this because I already have an idea of what I will put as the answers and I have written up brief answers already, by doing this I have been able to form an interview that is of a conversation style again increasing the informality.

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