Tuesday, 26 October 2010

After looking at front covers I saw a feature that occurred on almost all of the MOJO magazines that I liked, which was on the top left corner of the page saying FREE CD written on a worn out sticker. When looking at my magazine plan I thought I should incorporate into my plan as I found it to be very eye catching and I can see it being a part of my finished product.

Sunday, 24 October 2010

After looking at front covers for music magazines I learn’t that the colour combinations of  black, red and white and black and yellow were quite popular, I have decided to use Black and yellow as my colour scheme for my magazine. This decision is based too much on their popularity but instead the colours themselves, the genre I am covering is an underground genre of music so the black plays with the semiotics of the colour and yellow is related to dance, drum and bass and dub step, which are often played alongside grime ( my chosen genre) due to this the yellow may attract the audience of those genres and get them to buy my grime magazine. By looking at music magazines I have began to understand the format of them and how they are layed out, from this I feel I am ready to make my first plan for a front cover.

Friday, 22 October 2010

Before designing my magazine cover I feel it is necessary to research music magazines so that I have a better understanding of them.
I have looked at a few front covers and have already picked out that the colours red and yellow seems to be a very popular colour particuarly when the colour black is used.

Thursday, 21 October 2010

Music magazine

For my second task I will produce a music magazine front cover, contents page and a double page spread.
Before I carry out this task I will carry out some research.

Sunday, 10 October 2010

1st draft of contents page

In this draft I have followed the previous plan. However I have made a few amendments. First of all I decided to shorten the length of the red border on the left hand side to allow more space for cover lines, which in my opinion is important. I have also changed to colour of the top red border to black to make the Mast head more striking. For the main image I have edited the colour to black and white however I kept the post protector on the rugby posts in colour, I think this is a good idea because it makes the picture more striking, it also signifies what the captain aims to reach - the goal and underneath the posts he will reach the aim/target.

Thursday, 7 October 2010

1st plan for contents page

For my contents page I am going to keep the same template as my front cover (The red border along the top of the page and going down the left hand side of the page) also the school logo will remain in the top left corner. I am going to do this because it will allow there to be a set style for the magazine, taking this in to consideration the font style will remain the same "gungshu" also for the Masthead and Banner the first letter of the main words will be in gold whereas the rest of the letters will be in black. Going down the left red border there will be pictures that will be related to each Cover line which will be on the right of them outside of the red border. On the far right side taking up almost half of the pages width will be the main image which will be related to the Banner which will be above on the top right.

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Research on contents pages

As part of my research I browsed the internet to learn about them, I came across this slideshow which I found very useful http://www.slideshare.net/JackBarlow/music-magazine-contents-pages-analysis

Sunday, 3 October 2010

Research on contents pages

Before going ahead and making a contents page I have decided like I have done previously when making my front cover to look at other contents pages so that I can familiarise myself with how they are structured.

Saturday, 2 October 2010

Annotation of a magazine contents page

In preparation for creating a contents page for my magazine "Shebb Mag" I have researched the layout of a contents page and learnt the terms for the parts that are used to form a contents page. I feel this is necessary if I am going to make my own contents page.